Cycling in Anuradhapura

1 Day


Cycling in Anuradhapura is the perfect way to explore the ruins. It takes the pace out of traveling and gives you enough time to discover your favorite places. Cycling can really benefit you as traveling around Anuradhapura can become tedious if not done properly. The site is well spread out and hundreds of smaller ruins are scattered everywhere. Cyclists are sure to find curious carvings just sticking out, unnoticed by thousands of travelers.



8 A.M Start from Anuradhapura. Visit The RuwanwaliSeya, The Sri mahabodiya, Abayagiriya, Jethavana Stupas, The Samadhi Buddha, Kuttam Pokuna and Isurumuniya etc.

Time 4 to 5 hours


  • Anuradhapura site entrance fee
  • Cycles and support service
  • Cycling guide
  • Bottled water
Proc and Cons


* Takes the pace out of traveling
* Gives your visit a free vibe
* Get to meet locals along the road (You might even get invited for lunch!)
* Enjoy the scenery and let the wind run through your hair
Snap superb photos
* Explore all the minor ruins that everybody misses out on


* The starting point is the Jetawana museum. (Tickets are only sold there.)
* Relying on guide books. (You will miss out on interesting nuances.)
Rowdy drivers
* It will be hot. Do not forget your biggest water bottle.
* A ticket is only valid for a day (Which means you still will have to manage time)
* Make sure your legs and shoulders are covered. (or you won’t be allowed to enter many places.)
* Ancient granite pavements and traditional sand yards are hot in the bright sun and you will be asked to take your shoes off when entering. (Bring a pair of socks!)

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Cycling in Anuradhapura